How to Beat the House Edge in Blackjack


Blackjack is a card game where players compete to beat the dealer. It requires strategy, not luck. A basic blackjack strategy chart recommends the optimal play in each situation. For instance, if you have 13 against the dealer’s 2, you should hit.

However, it takes practice to memorize the charts. It’s recommended to print the perfect blackjack chart and keep it next to you while playing.

Basic strategy

Unlike roulette where the odds are static and depend primarily on luck, blackjack has a house edge that can be reduced through basic strategy. This is possible by learning to play with a clear mind and making wise decisions. In addition to applying the best strategies, you should avoid drinking alcohol while playing. This will improve your odds of winning and control your emotions.

A blackjack strategy chart is a set of rules that recommend the most profitable decision in a specific game situation. It includes instructions on hitting and standing, doubling down and splitting pairs, and surrendering if that is an option. Using a blackjack strategy chart can help you maximize your chances of winning by reducing the house advantage.

Keep in mind that even with the most perfect blackjack strategy, you cannot guarantee a profit on every hand. Luck still plays a big role, so you should always stay focused on the current hand and manage your bankroll wisely.

Hi-lo system

The hi-lo system of blackjack is a card counting method that gives players crucial insights into the composition of the deck. It assigns a value to each card, based on its rank and type. For example, 2 through 6 cards are assigned a value of +1, while 10s and aces get -1. Keeping track of these values provides a running count that can tell whether there are more high-value cards remaining or low-value ones. This information can help players make smarter betting decisions and increase their bankroll.

The Hi-Lo is a balanced level 1 card counting strategy optimized for betting, developed by Harvey Dubner and improved by Edward Thorp. This version is a lightened strategy that eliminates the 21 pair split indices and uses 39 strategy indices instead of Wong’s 60. This lite count outperforms Wong’s but still falls short of mathematical perfection. It is easy to learn and understand, and performs about the same as other balanced counts when compared in blackjack simulations.


When playing blackjack, you can win a payout by forming a hand that is closer to 21 than the dealer’s. Winning bets are typically paid 1/1, but when you get a blackjack you will be paid 3/2. This is a great way to increase your winnings and reduce your risk of losing.

When you are dealt an ace and a 10-value card (like a 10, jack, queen, or king), you have a natural blackjack. This is the highest-paying hand on a blackjack table, and it’s also known as “blackjack” for short.

Some casinos offer 6 to 5 blackjack, which is a lower payout rate than the traditional 3 to 2. While this may not seem like much of a difference in terms of dollars, it can make a huge difference in your bankroll. This is a reason why many players choose to play only at tables that pay 3 to 2. Aside from blackjack, there are several side bets in blackjack.


Blackjack is the most popular casino card game, but it comes in a variety of different variants. Each variation has a different set of rules and nuances that may require adjustments to your strategy. Embracing these differences can enhance your experience and improve your chances of winning.

For example, in Double Exposure, both of the dealer’s cards are dealt face up, which significantly changes the dynamic of the game. In this variant, the dealer wins ties and players cannot double down. Another variation is Pontoon, which has unique terminology and rules. It is often played in British casinos and offers higher payouts for pairs of aces or cards of the same rank.

Other blackjack variations include Blackjack Switch, which allows players to swap the top cards in each of their hands. This adds a new dimension to the game and encourages strategic thinking. Blackjack variations also offer different side bets and bonus payouts. These can affect your bankroll management decisions.